With the holidays upon us, I wanted to do a giveaway to thank YOU for all of your ongoing support of Haute House Flower this year. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen me recently wearing several pieces from the newly launched contemporary fashion brand, THACKER. Designed by uber talented fashion industry vet Toni Hacker, this collection could not be more perfect for a career girl-on-the-go, who likes to stand out from the crowd. Designed with you in mind, the line features everything you need to be chic 24-7, and head-to-toe…at a price point that won’t break the bank. I could not be more excited to have partnered up with THACKER to do a giveaway for ONE LUCKY READER of one of my favorite standout pieces in their entire collection – the”Warhol” faux fur coat.
So, without further ado, the winner of this week’s THACKER giveaway is…@SarahCDrake! Congratulations!!! To receive your coat, please email me: (Jordan [at] hautehouseflower [dot] com) no later than Friday, January 6th. Please be sure to include your shipping address, coat size (I’m wearing a size small in this photo, just fyi) in your email to me.
For those of you that didn’t win, never fear, the coat is on insane sale here. Thank you again to everyone who entered, and be sure to follow me on Instagram for my ongoing beauty product and fashion recommendations, as well as exclusive discounts and giveaways from Haute House Flower in 2017. I would love to hear more of what kinds of giveaways (fashion, beauty, tech?) you’d be interested in, below in the comments section. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend!
XO Jordan
All photos by Scott White (@BloggerPhotographer)