Is it possible to be so inspired by a handbag that everything else falls in place around it? In the case of this CHANEL bag and the lip vinyl trend, the answer is YES. When the bag first arrived, I…
Over the past few months I’ve been road-testing a humidity makeup regime that can take on steamy subways, sweltering treks to meet my Uber Pool driver, and long outdoor photoshoots. I’m excited to announce that finally….(dun-dun-duuuuun!) that the results are…
Growing up in California, I was brought up wearing sunscreen daily, which has since grown into a lifelong habit. With the 4th of July right around the corner, the risk of sun damage is all too real. Read on for…
We all have that ONE friend or family member. That Glam Girl (or guy) who seemingly already has everything, and has very specific taste, yet gives no recommendations for what they want or need this holiday season. It’s impossible to…
Fashion month has officially ended. C’est fini. While I was fortunate enough to experience every delectable detail of NY Fashion Week in person, I have to admit, my FOMO for Paris Fashion Week (ok, and London and Milan too…) was…