Is it possible to be so inspired by a handbag that everything else falls in place around it? In the case of this CHANEL bag and the lip vinyl trend, the answer is YES. When the bag first arrived, I…
Summer can mean a lot of brights and bold colors, but let’s be honest; the season is short, sweet and fleeting. How to wear more color this time of year? Instead of buying an entirely new summer wardrobe, I’ve learned…
Whether you’re an entrepreneur trying to brand yourself, or just someone that is looking to learn more about themselves, I’m sharing my 5 steps to finding your signature style. As someone who has spent years in fashion PR & marketing…
Whether you work in fashion, finance, or anywhere in between, having the ideal networking handbag is crucial to your success. Why? As someone that’s attending anywhere from 5-15 back-to-back networking events every week, I’ve realized how important it is to be strategic…
Bag Borrow Or Steal has become my go-to destination for luxury handbags. Whether you just want to take the newest quilted CHANEL cutie for a quick test run, are thinking about buying a luxury handbag, or even selling that impulse…
Whether you’re a wedding guest, or even a bride-to-be looking for her bridesmaids, I’m sharing dresses (and jumpsuits!) that will work for any type of summer wedding. With summer well underway, wedding season is officially upon us! (Translation: prepare to…