Happy February everyone! In the coming days, I’ll be sharing my top-secret updates about my upcoming trip to New York Fashion Week with you. I can barely contain myself! But first, PACKING. If you already follow me on INSTAGRAM, you…
With the holidays now behind us, and with 2015 approaching, I can’t help but reflect on the whirlwind of changes that was my 2014. From taking the reins of my fashion PR agency, Haute House PR & Marketing as the…
With winter upon us, and 2015 just around the corner, I encourage you to take stock of your day-to-day. Although life can get so busy, it’s important to make sure that you’re carving out the time to do at least one thing everyday to get you…
A true child of the 90’s, I’ve had a long-term, rocky love affair with plaid shirts. Up until recently, anytime that Oasis or the Goo Goo Dolls popped on the radio, I would be haunted by my cringe-worthy, “grunge” outfits of middle school years past. Does this happen to anyone else? When…
With November already upon us (where does the time go?) it’s officially the most wonderful time of the year. There’s so much to love; precious time with family and friends, holidays, delicious food, and on the fashion side of things…the socially-acceptable usage of one of…
Taking simplicity to the next level, with rompers and red lipstick. As an entrepreneur, I have a ton of different responsibilities, and always find myself juggling several projects at one time. However, when it comes to picking out an outfit,…